by Dog Behavior Experts, Dog Lovers, Canine Industry Experts,
and Dog Trainers
“Billie’s insight on the needs of pet parents, and her knowledge of canine cognition and behavior has been invaluable in the development of our canine enrichment product.”
- Alexandra Smith, Canine Innovations, University of Texas, 2024
“The world needs to recognize that animals are sentient beings, and Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps this to happen. Thanks, Billie, for your work with dogs.”
- Marc Bekoff during interview for Psychology Today Magazine, 2022
“Billie is extremely knowledgeable in her area of expertise, and her impact in Animal Welfare is greatly appreciated.”
- Spencer Hodgetts, CEO Reboundog, 2023
“ I read your book and in my mind you understand that their (dogs) natural social behavior means they’re responsive to sensible training.”
— Dr. Bruce Fogle MBE DVM MRCVS (veterinarian) President of Humane Society International, 2019
“It was a pleasure having Billie in our PhD class on Animal Cognition and Emotions. Her progressive approach to working with canines deserves further research in the academic arena.”
- Else Veerbeck, PhD, Professor, University of Sweden, 2023
“Billie’s deep understanding of canine behavior combined with her extensive hands-on experience continues to make a positive impact. I always enjoy speaking with Billie and look forward to connecting on future projects.”
- Colleen Dell, PhD, University of Saskatoon, 2023
“We gained tools and advice that was life changing for us and our dogs. The program is perfect for our busy lifestyle, and allows us to work at the pace of our dog. Billie’s knowledge on dogs, and her experience in working with clients, live and over zoom, made the process simple.”
- Erin Powkawich, Client, 2022
"It is clear Billie is experienced with street dogs and ones who display aggression. She has been a valuable asset to this campaign.”
- Dr. Erika Flores, DVM (veterinarian), IFAW Staff, (Re: Spay and Neuter Clinic, Mexico, 2017)
“As a psychiatric nurse, I am impressed by Billie’s knowledge of psychology and behavior. UPWARD Dogology is the canine version of cognitive behavioral version, and Billie is, by far, the expert. My fear aggressive dog, Nelson, immediately improved, and I was able to wean off his meds, as we continue to work together.”
- Wendy Treble, Dean of Psychiatric Nursing, Sask Polytech, Client, August 2022
“It was a pleasure working with Billie at the Animal Behavior Society Conference. Her approach to canine behavior and welfare is progressive and impactful, and her knowledge is impressive.”
- Clara Vorhees, PhD, Board of Directors, ABS, 2022
“We are forever grateful for Billie and the wisdom and knowledge
she has shared with us to help the rescue dogs live their best lives.”
- Sherry Chestney, Client, 2022
“UPWARD Dogology is highly effective because it adheres to the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. We have seen an improvement in our adopted dog, Su, since switching to this methodology. She now enjoys her walks and going to the park, plays in the yard, and “does her business” in public!”
-Kathryn Christie, Human Resource Specialist, client, 2021
“Billie changed my perception on how Louie perceives me and situations. In doing this, I can effectively and calmly manage him in difficult situations.”
— Dr. Melanie Roth, DVM (veterinarian), client, 2019
“Upon reading Ms. Groom’s book, I noted the similarities in her approach to that of the findings of Dr. James Ha (Dog Behaviour, Modern Science and Our Canine Companions). His book scientifically explains the reasoning for the success of the methodology formulated by Ms. Groom. I believe Ms. Groom’s knowledge and experience would be a beneficial addition to learning programs designed for professionals and volunteers working with dogs over the age of six months.”
- Michael Burns C.C.W., B.A., M.Ed., Author, College Professor, 2020
“Billie has skillfully and patiently guided myself and my wife through the process of integrating Ruckus, our rescued adolescent dog with nervous tendencies and anxiety, into our “family of dogs”. I am experienced with puppies, yet learned through my experience with Billie how different it is to work with a dog with a checkered past. Her methodology is effective and her vast experience is beyond helpful.”
- Dr. Jeff Baier, DVM, Veterinarian and Vice President at Planned Pethood International, 2022
“As a graduate of the American Behavioral College and a Certified Behaviorist, I highly recommend UPWARD Dogology. Billie mentored me for 2 days and I learned more about how to address reactivity, aggression, and anxiety than in the entire ABC course. I also highly recommend reading her book.”
— Rachel Johnson, Certified R+ Trainer, 2019
“Billie efficiently and professionally provided us with a strategic plan to address the aggression in Sophia, which yielded immediate results. She expertly assessed our feedback and continued to provide advice that continued to advance the success. Sophia is able to wean off meds and she is very happy.”
- Kelly Kaip, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Client, 2022
“Billie we are so grateful for wonderful people like you!”
— Toronto Humane Society, 2002
“Comet had been in 3 foster homes and the rescue org. suggested we contact Billie because if Comet could not be rehabilitated, they would need to euthanize him. We drove 2.5 hrs to meet Billie, (without Comet because of his extreme fear and anxiety). She told us what to do, step-by-step. We thought she was nuts. After 2 days, she sent me a text telling me what Comet was going to do. I thought she was nuts. When I got home from work, Comet was doing exactly that - laying on my couch, which was the first time he had ever come out of the crate, aside from dashing outside to pee/poo when we ignored him. I thought Billie was in my living-room! She then said to take him for a walk and “walked me through” the process to to apply the skills to accomplish this. I thought she was less-nuts; perhaps simply optimistic. Billie was right again. Within weeks he was going to busy places and enjoying life. We still apply the UPWARD Dogology techniques to this day (years later), and it works like a dream.”
Stacey Westerhaug, Client, Rescuer, 2017
“Billie’s logical, straight-forward approach is refreshing and her ability to explain how dogs think, learn and perceive us is beyond helpful.”
— Tania Wolk, Client, Foster-mom, 2018
“Billie's book completely changed the way I view my dog's behavior and actions. I hired her to help me with my dog after unsuccessfully working with our most recommended positive reinforcement trainer. Billie has helped many of our clients and I highly recommend her.”
— Dr. Megan Gazda, BVMS, (veterinarian surgeon), Client, 2020
“Billie’s gentle and understanding approach to working with dogs, especially abused dogs, is why I asked her to be a guest speaker in my Animals in Social Work course…”
— Garson Hunter, Professor - Animals in Social Work, University of Regina, dog rescuer, 2018
“To say that Billie is a miracle worker is a complete understatement! As someone who has had dogs all my life, and am now a foster, I thought I could handle any new foster that came my way- wrong! My latest foster was a one-year old male who had plenty of obedience training, but wouldn’t respond to any of my commands, and quickly got out of control. It was incredible to watch Billie quickly assess not only the dog, and my household (I also had a four-month old foster), but also me! With only one session, my relationship with the 1 year old was like day to night! Her approach was different than anything I had ever experienced but worked amazingly for us. I now have even more
confidence with my fosters!”
-Michaele Mintz, experienced Foster-mom, 2015
“We bring dogs to Canada from shelters in Spain. Most of these dogs have had terrible pasts, and can be challenging for even the most experienced adopters. The UPWARD Dogology formula is different than any other method, and has proven effective in helping our dogs overcome anxiety.”
Mary McDonald, Certified R+ Trainer, President of Extraordinary Galgos and Podencos, Atlantic Chapter, 2021
“I have contacted Billie on behavioral issues beyond my professional knowledge…and I trust Billie…and appreciate her donating her proven skill and experience…”
-D. Lamirante, Animal Control Officer, Stoney Creek Animal Control, 2001
“Without Billie’s expertise and completely different approach to working with rescued dogs, some of our more difficult dogs (anxiety and aggression) would have been deemed unadoptable. We continue to use this approach.”
-Jim Wood, President, Danes In Distress, 2001
“Billie is excellent at what she does. Very knowledgeable, and her Methodology is effective. We have been very impressed through our experience with her!”
— Lauren Schroeder, Client, 2016