Dog Training Methods - Evidence Based
Evidence Based Methods
Evidence based methods are ones which are grounded in, or adhere to the principles and practices of, scientifically proven methodologies.
Positive Reinforcement Training is considered evidence based because it adheres to the practices and principles of Conditioning Methods, or, more specifically, it adheres to one half of Operant Conditioning. Balanced Training adheres to the principles and practices of Operant Conditioning. Counter and Classical Conditioning adhere to the principles of Conditioning Methods. Conditioning Methods are scientifically proven effective by using reinforcements, associative techniques, and desensitization.
Because UPWARD Dogology™ does not adhere to the principles of Conditioning Methods, it must adhere to a scientifically proven methodology to be deemed evidence-based. Psychologists, social workers and child trauma experts validate the UPWARD Dogology™ formula (or system) adheres to the practices and principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a scientifically proven methodology for addressing behaviors by changing perception to change behavior.
Scientifically Proven
“Scientifically proven” is more of the “hands-on” implementation, commonly to prove a method solves a pre-determined problem. There are many ways in which to achieve this outcome, although the outcome cannot be pre-determined. UPWARD Dogology was initially created out of the need to effectively work with dogs who were deemed untrainable or on death row. Scientific tests on the genetic make-up of the canine brain prove the elements exist to think cognitively. Scientific tests on skills associated with cognitive thinking, such as object permanence and decision-making abilities, prove dogs over six months think cognitively. These tests are important because dogs need to have cognitive abilities in order for a methodology grounded in CBT to be effective. Fortunately, with the increase in interest in dog cognition, there are dozens of studies which prove this.
UPWARD Dogology formula has been tested on over 100 dogs per year for a decade. The results prove it’s ability to effectively work with dogs and solve problems by changing perception to change behavior. For two decades prior, we studied, researched, learned, and worked with thousands of dogs. Check out the our podcast episodes released on Dec. 29th, 2020 and Jan. 25th, 2021 to learn more about scientific studies relating to UPWARD Dogology.
There is no “one right way” to work
with a dog!
Whether you accept or dispute that UPWARD Dogology is evidence based and scientifically proven means nothing to the hundreds of clients and thousands of dogs who are now living their best lives when other techniques proved limiting, ineffective or counter productive.
Because the dog training/education industry is unregulated, there is no governing board that provides a process to certify a methodology. The certified courses available to trainers, behaviorists, or behavioral veterinarians teach exclusively conditioning methods. - not because CCBT is not scientifically proven, but because they choose to not explore it.
I continue to do what I do because it saves dog’s lives by preventing unnecessary surrenders and euthanasia due to behavioral reasons.
Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provides an option for those who have exhausted all the avenues of Conditioning methods, and feel they have no other choice but to use aversive and fearful methods and tools.
C.B.T. is inherently, force-free, non-aversive, logical, effective, and, now, thanks to UPWARD Dogology, easy to apply.
Photo Below: Radar was sent to Canada by a rescue org. in Korea. Radar had extreme anxiety outside the home. Radar’s adopter is an experienced foster/adopter and knowledgeable on conditioning methods.
Only Canine CBT was effective with Radar.